Our Why
Our Moonshot
228 years: That’s how long it would take for African Americans to accumulate the same amount of wealth whites have now if current policies remain in place. 84 years for Latino Americans. We believe schools can be the source for laying the groundwork to change this and will strive to lay the groundwork for closing this gap in our students’ lifetimes.
We aim to disrupt the cycle of poverty by ensuring that Rooted students are equipped to succeed in their post-secondary plans. We will be successful not just because of the exemplary staff we will have, but because our innovative model, 360 supports, tech-industry certifications, fellowships and internships, and personalized learning our students will receive will place them on a direct path to financial freedom.
Our Values
Growth: We push ourselves to grow at all times.
Preparation: We are prepared.
Hospitality: We put people first.
Excellence: We push the limits of what’s possible.
Community: We never forget where we come from.
Our Story
Rooted School began in 2014. First, as a 15-student pilot in New Orleans. Inspired by the growth of living-wage jobs in the region, his experiences teaching in Central City, and growing up living paycheck-to-paycheck, Jonathan Johnson believed there was more that could be done to lift those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder up in their lifetime.
Years later, Rooted School is widely recognized as one of the most innovative public school models in the U.S.
Core to its educational model and belief is that youth are a vastly underutilized talent source in our communities. And, with the right training, high expectations, and a deep sense of possibility the U.S. can leverage teenagers’ talents to meet its increasingly changing workforce demands.
On August 2023, Rooted School Las Vegas will launch and welcome its founding 9th and 10th grade students.
We know the journey won’t be easy. Many will say we can’t do it. We hope that you’ll join us anyway.