Frequently Asked Questions

Rooted School Las Vegas

Why should I choose Rooted School Las Vegas?

Rooted School began in 2014. First, as a 15-student pilot in New Orleans. Inspired by the growth of living-wage jobs in the region, his experiences teaching in Central City, and growing up living paycheck-to-paycheck, Jonathan Johnson believed there was more that could be done to lift those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder up in their lifetime. Years later, Rooted School is widely recognized as one of the most innovative public-school models in the U.S.

Core to its educational model and belief is that youth are a vastly underutilized talent source in our communities. And, with the right training, high expectations, and a deep sense of possibility, the U.S. can leverage teenagers’ talents to meet its increasingly changing workforce demands. Rooted School Las Vegas will launch and welcome its founding 9th and 10th grade students for the 2024-25 school year.

What will the Rooted model look like?

RSLV aims to provide our students with personal pathways to financial freedom. We accelerate college and career readiness through a workforce development model focusing on CTE certifications, where a Rooted student will graduate with at least one certification on the NV Industry-Recognized Credentials List. Students have the option to earn Standard and College & Career Readiness Diplomas, and explore dual-enrollment/credit options with CSN. As a part of our project-based and work-based model, students can also participate in internships with our employer partners.

How do I enroll my student?

All families must complete student registration through the Google Form Enrollment Application.

I need help with my registration. What should I do?

Call ‪(702) 608-6883‬ or email for help with your registration.

We will also offer in-person registration assistance as needed. Please reach out to schedule a time with one of our team members.

What grades are you accepting for 2025-2026?

We are enrolling 9th and 10th graders only for Fall 2025. We will be adding one grade per year until we reach full high school 9-12 enrollment.

Is there cost to attend?

No, Rooted School Las Vegas is a free public charter high school.

Do you offer Dual-Enrollment for college credit?

Yes! Qualified students, typically seniors and sometimes juniors, will have the option to dual-enroll at College of Southern Nevada (CSN) to earn college credits.

Can we visit your school?

We will be scheduling open houses and school tours during the spring. Check back for more information!

Will there be transportation offered?

Yes! We will do our best to place stops where families have most demand, but we cannot guarantee a stop in everyone’s neighborhood. We encourage families to coordinate car-pooling in the event that we are unable to place a stop near you.

Will do you have sports at your school?

Yes. Rooted School will offer girls and boys basketball in 2025-2026.

When does school start and what is the daily schedule?

The first day of school is planned for 8/12/2024. Students have a Monday - Thursday bell schedule of 8:05am (first instructional period) to 3:40pm (dismissal). We do not plan to have class on Fridays.

Please note these are subject to change as we finalize our schedule with the families we serve.

Is this a new school?

We are the first Rooted School in Las Vegas, but Rooted schools are established in New Orleans, Indiana, and Vancouver Washington. We are thrilled to bring the Rooted mission to the Las Vegas Community.

Will there be uniforms?

Rooted has a flexible uniform policy that includes black, blue, or Khaki pants (no holes), and polos and Tees that fall under Rooted requirements. Policies will be explained in student handbooks upon enrollment. Think: dress for employer visits.

What does a day at Rooted look like?

Every morning begins with breakfast and advisory. Advisory is a time for students to build relationships with their peers, connect with their advisory teacher, and discuss important topics. After advisory students will go to their six classes, with lunch in between periods 3 & 4. Classes are about 1 hour long. 

After school programming will be developed and identified based on student interest. 

What are the hours of the school?

As of right now, student arrival begins at 7:50am and school lets out at 3:05pm. This may change as we finalize transportation contracts. 

What subjects are offered?

Over their four years at Rooted Las Vegas, all students will be enrolled in courses aligned to the College and Career Ready (CCR Diploma). Students will take Math, English, Social Studies, Science and technology courses annually. 

9th grade: English 1, Algebra 1, Environmental Science, World History and their Technology Elective 

10th grade: English 2, Geometry, Biology, US History and technology 

Technology pathways: Computer Basics, Microsoft Suite (and we are hoping robotics) 

Who are the teachers?

We are currently hiring our exceptional team of teachers! Those that have been hired come from a diversity of backgrounds - all are really excited to begin working at Rooted School.